Download DVB-T Driver apk 1.36 for Android. Other apps use this to access USB TV tuners.
The™ agent utility uses data collection technology to conveniently update multiple PC drivers. Drivers are the property and the responsibility of their respective manufacturers, and may also be available for free directly from manufacturers' websites. is not responsible in any way for the performance of or issues caused by any third-party drivers.Drivers may also be available for free directly from manufacturers' websites. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Any other third-party products, brands or trademarks listed above are the sole property of their respective owner. No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.
This driver is required by some TV player apps to access USB TV tuners. In order to receive DVB-T/T2, you need to have both the driver and a TV player app installed at the same.
Currently only the 'Aerial TV' app supports this driver. Make sure to download and install Aerial TV in order to receive DVB-T/T2 with this driver. For developers and advanced users, the driver provides a diagnostic mode that allows dumping DVB-T and DVB-T2 transport stream into a TS file. Files are stored on the external storage in the private directory of the app.
Files need to be deleted manually. More developer information and the source code could be found: The project is released under the open source license GNU General Public License. The terms of the license can be found in the link above. All drivers, binaries and algorithms included are available under the GNU GPL open source license and are distributed in compliance with the GNU GPL license. The app is not available for download in countries that do not use the DVB TV standard.
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