Contents [] Description The sea floor was covered with hundreds of shipwrecks. Inhabitants The Inner Sea was home to many types of aquatic life, and including kingdoms of,,,. With the exception of a notable violent excursion in, these races rarely interacted with the coastal land folk. Territorial Waters There was a recognized territorial limit of ten miles (16.1 kilometers) offshore among all the nations on the Sea of Fallen Stars.
Areas of sea further than ten miles from the nearest land were considered neutral territory. Any attacks on shipping within a country's waters were considered to be acts of war. For most areas, these boundaries were clear, but they became more ambiguous in,, and, owing to continual border disputes. History Creation Over the millennia, different creation myths regarding the sea spread across the Realms. One tale, which explained how the sea earned its name, was detailed in the.
It said that the gods above sent a star crashing down to as a punishment for the arrogance of the. Entire continents were lost in the ensuing earthquakes, fires, and windstorms and the four centrally located seas of merged together, forming the 'Sea of Fallen Stars'. Other theories maintained the cataclysmic change of landscape was actually the eggs of the first raining down onto Toril. [] The true creation of the sea occurred ages ago, in the final years of the, when the, along with the first, were released from their imprisonment by the known as the. In an event known as the, the deity hurled an ice moon down to the surface of, which wiped out the batrachi and formed the sea. Accounts dated around mentioned a 'changing of the stars' in relation to this event. Few knew what this really signified, but the fact was created a duplicate of the planet,, and sent the new world to another realm, with different stellar cartography.
Forgotten Realms Adventures (1990) then acknowledged that its Isles really existed in the Realms — though the tiny 'specks' of land in the Sea of Fallen Stars were probably not what Khan-players expected. Sea of Fallen Stars is the first book to actually give those Isles some details and make them an actual part of the setting. Demon the Fallen - Character Sheet.pdf. Demon the Fallen - Houses of the Fallen.pdf. Create new paste / deals new! The Fallen Realms Pdf Download. This is a list of fantasy fiction novels based in the role-playing game setting of the Forgotten Realms. Create a free.
[] Pirate Wars This section is a. You can help us. Time of Troubles This section is a. You can help us. Spellplague On, the hit Toril and greatly changed the landscape of the planet. Large openings erupted within the and large portions of the sea drained out beneath Toril's surface, greatly lowering the sea level over the next ten years.
Coastal cities that once rested on the banks of the sea were made land-locked, and formerly submerged ruins and wrecks were subsequently exposed. The Second Sundering and the Great Rain During the in the autumn of, the began to fall around the Sea of Fallen Stars and continued unceasingly for over a year.
This constant storm caused massive floods; thousands perished from drowning, lightning strikes, or bursts of wind that capsized ships. By the time the rain abated, the Sea of Fallen Stars had swollen back to something approximating its former size, flooding vast tracts of land and numerous cities beneath the waves. Notable Locations Islands There were numerous islands in the Sea of Fallen Stars: •: A former island that gained its autonomy. •: A group of about sixty rocky islands notable as the home of the pirates of the Inner Sea. •: A main island under control accompanied by the smaller unoccupied.
•: An island volcano in the. •: A small chain of islands once ruled by a great khan. Undersea •: •: The underwater realm of the merfolk, who were protected by the Nantari.
•: Coastal The Sea of Fallen Stars had coastlines in many different lands, including,,,,, the,,,,,,,,, and the. Appendix This article is incomplete. You can help the Forgotten Realms Wiki by providing more information. Further Reading • References. • ↑,,, (June 2001). • ↑ (7MB JPG)..
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