Aug 8, 2011 - Ths mysqldump executable is different from the mysql executable. You don't enter mysqldump within mysql, but just in a normal Windows. How to install MySQL server in Windows 7. Now select Install as Windows Service. This is the default option. Click on Next button. Now set the root password for your MySQL server. Click on Next button. Click on Execute button. This will configure your MySQL server. After configuration is done click on Finish button.
[Instructor] You can download the MySQL installerfor Windows from the bottom of this page, look forthe MySQL Community Edition, and click the Downloads link.Then click the Download link under MySQL Community Server.Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll finda link to the installer.There are a few different versions.I'm going to use the MSI Installer.It says X86, 32-bit, but it actually includes64-bit versions of both MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench,the graphical interface for managing MySQL databases. I've already downloaded the MSI file to my desktop,and I'll start it up here by double-clicking.I'll go through the first few prompts until I getto the Setup Type screen.There are a few different setup types you can choose.I'm going to show you how to do a minimal setupthat includes just the server and MySQL Workbench.If you need other components, you can choose themfrom the screen I'm about to go to.I'll choose Custom and click Next.Now, I'll drill down through the MySQL Server section. Topics include: • Installing Apache on Windows • Working with PHP on Windows and macOS • Installing MySQL on Windows and macOS • Adding MySQL bin directory to the PATH • Starting and stopping Apache on macOS • Configuring personal site folders • Installing Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Linux • Installing and managing WampServer • Defining WampServer directory aliases • Installing MAMP on macOS • Configuring Apache and MySQL server ports on MAMP • Handling port conflicts on Windows and macOS • Configuring the Apache web document root.
I dropped my mysql deafult system database accidentally. Dream theater six degrees of inner turbulence rarity video. Reinstallation (as accepted answer suggest) is not always possible, so I tried first from second answer.
Now it's a part of mysqld and you can try mysqld --initialize but not on my version of OS and mysql. Anyway it didn't help me too. So I've read docs carefully and found If the data directory does already exist, you are performing an upgrade operation (not an install operation) and should run mysql_upgrade, not mysql_install_db That did the trick. With I've restored all system tables. Ps I have to mention, that it was fresh install of mysql server, so I didn't care about other databases, settings or users.
Be carefull!!! You can lose important data.
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