Cimatron Pocket Manager -ฟังก์ชั่นจัดการ Pocket Qc งานโลหะด้วย Prob ใช้งานง่ายและสะดวก.
Hi Guys, I have installed Cimatron E12 into a Windows 10 Guest Virtual machine running in Parallels Desktop 12. When Cimatron starts it throws an error about the display running in 16 bit mode and not 32 bit mode. However when I query the windows 10 virtual machine all indications are that it is running in 32 bit mode. When I list the modes which are available (under advanced settings for the graphics card) for the monitor it is running in 32 bit colour. Details of virtual machine Windows 10 64bit Host MacBookPro non Retina display 2011.
The NC Process Manager holds a large amount of information, but you can easily customize the display to show the items that are more important and useful to the task at hand. A right mouse click on the upper bar of the NC Process Manager window allows you to select which columns are displayed out of the twenty columns available, each offering a different piece of information about the NC procedures on the list. For finishing procedures, valuable columns to add are Limit by Holder and Holder Prevent Areas Visibility. Once the procedure is calculated, the Limit by Holder column will show the safe cutter length that the tool needs to extend out of the holder.
Control your serial plotter wirelessly. Plotter Cable Pinout (PDF) – Schematic for a plotter cable that will work for most HP and Roland plotters. Search eBay or Amazon for DB9 to DB25 Serial Null Modem Cable or similar to find them for sale. You now need a Serial printer cable to connect the Serial adapter to the Cutter. This is usually known as a nul-modem cable. The cable wiring swaps various wires and is why its also sometimes called a crossover cable. I imgine Roland sell suitable serial cables. The CX 24 runs fine using a usb converter as do all Rolands right back to the PNC1000.
And if for some reason the holder was a limiting factor and the procedure could not reach some areas, there will be a lightbulb in the Holder Prevent Areas Visibility, highlighting the portion of the toolpath that cannot be safely machined unless the suggested tool length is used. The Electrode Blank function provides some powerful and unique functionality that streamlines the electrode design process. It can perform look-ahead calculations based on features that appear further downstream in the part history tree. The Re-center and Re-fit options allow you to adjust the blank location and size while accounting for any extra geometry you may have created for clearance and shape extensions.
A newly-added option is Re-fit Height, which can determine the new top Z level for the electrode based on the finished electrode shape. The preview picture in the Cimatron browser is a screen capture of the file at the time it was last saved. It’s a time saving feature because you can see the latest state of the file without actually waiting for it to open. As useful as this picture may be in some cases, it may at times lack some detail and descriptions that could make it even more useful. The Tools / Add Picture function allows you to manually capture a specific picture or use an existing jpeg you have access to.
Two preview pictures are allowed, which is helpful for files that are commonly used. You also have the option to remove a picture you added manually, which will revert the image to the default screen capture when the file is saved. Electrode Reports in Cimatron E12 are created through the EDM setup screen. The report is an Excel document that is now based on a default Excel template. This allows you to easily customize the template to produce reports that fit your exact needs. You will find the default template in the CimatronE12/data/templates/EDM_Report folder.
When making an edit to the report template, you must pay very close attention to the start and end statements at the far right side of the rows. These set the ranges that allow the setup variables to work and fill in the correct values in the report. Try a few simple edits first, and always keep a safe copy of the default report on hand in case you need to revert to it. Making adjustments to the user interface is now even easier in version 12. When moving any dockable tree or pane, the screen will now show arrow boxes where you can easily drop the window. This is far more convenient than hunting for a narrow window edge to dock on. There is also a new general preference page for On-Screen Controls.