Serial Communication With Labview Tutorial Dll Injector

Serial Communication With Labview Tutorial Dll Injector

Serial Communication With Labview Tutorial Dll Injector 4,3/5 8703 reviews

Dec 8, 2011 - Keywords: Stirling Engine; uCOS-II; LabVIEW; Electric Control. Control the injection quantity accurately within per unit time. Communication API functions, the serial port operation such as initialization, read, write, buffer. Library functions' to complete the chip DLL file called[7]. Serial monitor of Arduino is a very useful feature.Serial monitor is used to see receive data, send data,print data and so on.Serial monitor is connected to the Arduino through serial communication. This serial communication occurs using RX (pin 0) and TX (pin 1) terminal of Arduino.

• The Concept Often, applications need to be monitored. Say, you need to know how an application is performing and need to keep a track on the resource usage. This is quite possible if you are the author of the application or have control over the source tree. What if the application is a third-party application? How can you plan to monitor a complete black box?

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This article will target this area and show you various ways in which this can be achieved. Even though the APIs used in this article are documented in the Microsoft developer network (MSDN), you won’t find a correct code snippet that shows you how to use them. And when you read the documentation, you will yourself notice that it is quite complicated to understand what has been written, forget about knowing how to use it! That’s why I would like to say that whatever appears in the form of program code from now on is all “undocumented” stuff.

Like all undocumented code, this code is not supported by the vendor and can change across versions. The need Before we even get started with understanding how to achieve the above, first let us try and understand properly why one would require to do this, or, what the “business benefit” would be. Even when I learned this technique, I was working on a project that required me to monitor a particular set of APIs. Although my scope was the entire system and monitoring each and every application running, we will limit the scope of this article to monitoring just one running application. Here are a few reasons why one would require doing so: • To log how the application is using a particular API. Now, this API could also be your written function exposed by some custom COM component or library dll.

In a normal case, you will have to write the entire logging code inside your dll. But with the API monitoring system, you can actually keep this logging code generic and keep the monitoring specific to a running process.

• To change the behaviour of a particular API. Say you need to disable all calls to a particular API.

For example, user32.dll has an exported API called OpenFile, in order for you to disable a particular application from using this API, you can override the OpenFile API and write your own code (in case of disabling it, returning a failure value to the caller). In this way, two things are highlighted, first, you can disable any such API from any dll, and second, you can override the default behaviour of a particular API and provide your own functionality. The method of injecting code Before we start of with understanding how to ‘inject’ code into a running process, let us try and understand how applications work and how process memory is organized. If this explanation gets too complicated, you can skip this part and jump to the next section, ‘Writing the code’. Import Table Internal Shared Memory Process Stack and Heap Export Table The above table gives a brief idea of how memory is allocated for any running process in the Windows environment Every process has sections in memory as seen in the diagram. When the process starts, the global/shared data is loaded in the ‘Internal Shared Memory’ area.

It has been called ‘Internal’ because the data is global within the process but not outside the process boundary. After this, the ‘Import Table’ and the ‘Export Table’ are populated for this process. This information comes from the binary of the process.

Basically, the Import Table and the Export Table have the following meaning: Import Table The Import Table lists all the dlls that the process will be using. From now on, I will refer to dlls as “Modules”. It not only lists all the modules that the process will use, but also pointers to functions.

Serial Communication With Labview Tutorial Dll Injector

Keep this point in mind, because we will be digging into this “Import Table” and changing the function pointer to our function. Although the mechanism to do so sounds pretty simple and straightforward, when you take a look at the code you will notice that it is in fact not the case. Export Table The Export Table lists all the functions and the respective function pointers that the running process will export.

Serial Communication With Labview Tutorial Dll Injector
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