Priorty Estimation Tool (PriEsT) is a decision analysis tool. You can use it for ranking the options you have, or alternatively, you may use it for resource allocation (budgeting) problems. In PriEsT, you enter a list of available options and then define your criteria for prioritization. After defining criteria, PriEsT allows you to enter your judgements against each criterion, which are then used to calculate the final ranking (or weights).
TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) is a decision making technique that fits between the qualitative Pugh Matrix and quantitative SDI Matrix approaches. We are merely a software download directory and search engine of shareware, freeware programs available on the Internet.
Please cite this if you find it useful:- Siraj, S., Mikhailov, L. And Keane, J. (2015), 'PriEsT: an interactive decision support tool to estimate priorities from pairwise comparison judgments'. International Transactions in Operational Research.
Features • Decision Making using Analytic Hierarchy Process. • Supports Pairwise Ratio Comparisons with any scale for your judgments. • Provides widely-used measures for inconsistency in judgments. • Offers several non-dominated solutions with the help of Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization. • Implements all the widely used prioritization methods.
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This makes the PriEsT a highly suitable tool for research purpose. • Graphical and Equalizer views for the pairwise comparison judgments. • Export your problem into an XML data file. • Platform-independent Tool (tested on both Linux and Windows).
The basic concept of this method is that the selected Design Options should have the shortest distance from the ideal solution and the farthest from the negative-ideal solution (in a geometric sense). The Euclidean distance approach is used to evaluate the relative closeness of each Design Option to the Ideal solution. TOPSIS approach: • Create matrix with Design Options and Criteria • Assign Importance to Criteria • Enter Design Option data for each Criteria • Assign goal direction (Minimize or Maximize) • Compute and Evaluate Scores TOPSIS assumes that each Design Option wants to either be maximized or minimized, so the positive-ideal solution for a Criterion that wants to be maximized is the maximum value of all the design options considered and the negative-ideal solution is the minimum values of all the design options considered.