Douglas Mcgregor Theory X Theory Y Pdf Merge Software

Douglas Mcgregor Theory X Theory Y Pdf Merge Software

Douglas Mcgregor Theory X Theory Y Pdf Merge Software 4,1/5 42 reviews

Douglas mcgregor - theory x y Douglas McGregor's XY Theory, managing an X Theory boss, and William Ouchi's Theory ZDouglas McGregor, an American. Douglas Mcgregor1 - Download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online.

Theory Y Assumptions 1. People do not naturally dislike work; work is a natural part of their lives.

People are internally motivated to reach objectives to which they are committed. People are committed to goals to the degree that they receive personal rewards when they reach their objectives. People will both seek and accept responsibility under favorable conditions. Unsupported codec id 8602066495. People have the capacity to be innovative in solving organizational problems. People are bright, but under most organizational conditions their potential is underutilized. Notes- Theory y says employees like to work.

RAMADAN - Most Important Religious Time for Muslims, those who Practice the Religion Islam When? Dates Vary each year. For 2018 - Begins the evening of Tuesday, May 15 and ends the evening of Thursday, June 14 As a Current or Future Manager or Leader Living in S. Why Should YOU Know about RAMADAN? Traditions: Prayer, Charity and Self Reflection Notes- Occurs for 1 month. Managers accommodates people schedule depending on religion. Most important religious time of year for muslims.

Adults Eat BEFORE Sunrise then FAST from Sunrise to Sunset - No Water, Food or Smoking - Children Under 12, Pregnant Women, Nursing Mothers and Elderly are Exempt from Fasting. Break the Fast by Eating a Date, then Participating in Sunset Prayer Followed by a Celebratory Meal Where are the Utensils? Notes- They fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days. Can't drink water, eat, smoke. There are some exceptions. They get up before sunrise and eat and then after sunset.

They eat with their fingers, communal mean. At least one question on exam about Ramadan.

Information Management in Organizations -Boundary spanners - sales rep. -Environmental scanning - Reading The Wall Street Journal -Information systems Strategic Response -Maintaining status quo, altering the current strategy, or adopting a new strategy. Mergers, Acquisitions, Alliances - Firms combine (merge), purchase (acquisition), or form new venture partnerships or alliances. Notes- Organizations do to attempt to environment, they manage info. Boundary spanner sees what competition is doing. Environmental scanning means do research and read. Strategy- what your comp does with info it learns.


Mergers, Acquisitions are strategies as well. Organizational Design and Flexibility -Adapting by building flexibility into structural design. Ex: Firms in stable environments ca be more structured. Firms in dynamic environments need more flexibility Direct Influence of the Environment -Attempt to change competitive conditions in its environment to suit its needs. Ex: lock in food price with contract. -Pursuing new or changed relationships with suppliers, customers, and regulators.

Notes- If it's a dynamic environment where things are always changing you have to be more flexible. Ost to pst converter full version with crack serial idm download. Organization Culture -Set of internal values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that determines the 'feel' of the organization. -Is not necessarily the same throughout the entire organization.

-Must be managed so that its strength benefits the firm's overall effectiveness and long-term success. -Can be dysfunctional if it becomes strongly resistant to change. Notes- Culture is kinda how things are done.

Douglas Mcgregor Theory X Theory Y Pdf Merge Software
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