Since I did not find this really nice editor on this page I thought I upload it for all that D3 gamers out here. The save-game editor is really complex you can do a lot of things create your own items, edit your char-level and name, edit your inventory (add all possible items) and so on and on. The editor comes with its own encryptor so you don't need other progs like brute-force. I for example edited my char level from 16 to 26, cool thing, since most save-games offer only OP lvl 70 chars with this editor you can boost your char only a little bit or just with all the things you want to have. By editing your char only a bit you don't destroy the fun of the game, If you ask me it would be boring for an beginner to use a lvl70 char from Xploader. Why playing at the boring beginner difficulty's and levelling up slowly? Better play like a boss at a higher difficulty and level up fast ^^.
If I am not wrong a new char must be at least lvl2 and have this quest with Lea in the tavern to be boost-able. So how does the editing work? Step 1: Copy your save-game to your PC (make sure to create a copy of the original save, in case some editing causes a corrupt save game you will need the copy. Step 2: Open the path of the save-data with RoS-PS3-Decrypter-Tool Step 3: Click on Decrypt Step 4: Now you can open the save and edit it to your likes Step 5: Encrypt the save game again / and copy it to your ps3 - that's it I used the editor with the newest version of Diablo 3 ultimateEU and it worked. If you are interested in more tuts and updates look at xpgamesavees after the thread for the editor. The editor is free but you can donate the programmer.
GuysIHave found save editor for Diablo 3 Ros. Regardless of where this thread should be posted, I too would like to have the option of a PS3 Save Editor for Diablo 3, if only to know what I. Download Diablo-3-xbox-360-save-editor-download Fo PC Wii U PS4 PS3 Xbox. Booting/Modding PS3 Game Saves; [SAVE] Diablo 3 All Character lvl 60 + full WW barb.
I think these tools are working on OFW too. Download: You must or to view this content. You must or to view this content. Seems to be sober 2 / 54 Please notice that there are two versions of the editor in the archive, you should use the newer one. La bouche be my lover acapella songs for kids youtube. Can still be useful, if the newer version makes problems with some editing, try if it works with the older V.
I hope you understand everything I am German and no native speaker.