While I cannot comment for your car specifically, the software updates are. For example, starting 04/2004 BMW started integrating bluetooth into the E60, but it.
The issue is I am trying to play music through my phone and there's no sound coming through it recognises the phone and charges but no sound the sound goes to the phone I am trying to up date the idrive but the website I posted just re directs me to the connected drive page so it looks like BMW has decided to not let people update their own cars and make you pay for it at the dealer when it was free on their website Unbelievable Why charge people over 100k to buy your cars yet 1c per mb on your server is an issue. BMW are on public record saying that they will not support Android Auto. I have managed to get USB audio on my Google pixel playing in a current model 330i I had a loan of recently, but with a lot of messing around. After connecting the USB cable, I had to go into the phone menu and change it to hard drive mode (or something similar). Then the car started playing the music, but no sound coming from speakers.
I then had to change audio source around a few times and eventually it started working. I ended up buying an Audi – BMW's poor Android support one of the deciding factors.
.and this is where ill make a scene and send this sort of rort to accc where does it end? What will that achieve?
A manufacturer is not required to provide you with any particular functionality beyond that reasonably expected from the type of product. For a car, that means you must be able to drive it. The fact that your phone cannot directly interact with the car in order to play music *in the way you want* is so completely irrelevant to the primary purpose of the vehicle that the ACCC will laugh at you. The only way you will have any hope of getting the ACCC to listen to you is if you have something from BMW which states that your Android phone is capable of running through the sound system via the USB cable. You don't have this. The only way you will have any hope of getting the ACCC to listen to you is if you have something from BMW which states that your Android phone is capable of running through the sound system via the USB cable. Theres no mention of whether android or ios support the feature only that I can access my music files a said in the manual.
Doesn't mention android devices wont work nor does it say ios devices only. Any ways just figured that you now have to login and create a connected drive account. Well I did and my VIN number doesnt come up. Just says my car cant be added! This is highly frustrating! Website is buggy like all their cars! I will try and play with the phone to get it to work bluetooth is a no no as the battery will die easily and is choppy!
Then theres something wrong with your cars BT system, or its the android (which seems doubtful). I use BT all the time in my kia cerato – my iphones power level sometimes drops about 1% after a 1 hour trip into work, same for the trip home, typically it doesnt move. I wouldnt expect android batteries to be significantly worse.
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I've never seen it drop more than 1% (even with the occasional mail and text pings on the way), and its never been choppy (except when those text and mail notifications ping through the music but that shouldnt count). Im just pissed bmw now want us to pay $$$$$ youre jumping to conclusions. Have you even bothered to ask bmw if they realise theres an issue with their web page for updates?
I hope BMW hasnt decided to stop owners updating! Unbelievable Why charge people over 100k to buy your cars yet 1c per mb on your server is an issue.
Zentrix deutsch film cinema. This is highly frustrating! Website is buggy like all their cars! BMW know nothing!
I asked them and have no clue. Service advisor didnt even know we could update our idrive!
Scratch that! Looks like I have to enable cookies for it to work! Guess im not smart with computers!!! Egg meet face;-) You are quoting significantly more words than you have written. Consider whether you need to quote at all — unless you are quoting to respond to a specific statement, it's usually easier to just mention who you're responding to. Otherwise, trim the quoted passages down as much as you can.
I have a 2013 BMW X3 and have updated to the latest bmw firmware here: I have iOS 8.3 (12F70) on an iphone 6. Bluetooth audio streaming doesn't work USB audio doesn't work.