Bluetooth The standard wireless network for short-range transmission of digital audio and data. Using radio waves, Bluetooth transmits through walls and other non-metal barriers. Although the term is synonymous with cellphone headsets and hands-free telephony in vehicles, Bluetooth is also used for wireless speakers, keyboards, mice, game controllers, smartwatches and more (for the different categories, see ). Constantly enhanced, see for version details. Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Bluetooth is a personal area network (WPAN) that continuously changes its frequency.
4 days ago - CySmart™ is a Bluetooth® Low Energy or Bluetooth Smart utility. MCU Software Memory PMIC. That are available as examples running on Cypress's BLE development kits. Compile SDK Version: API 18 (Android 4.3, Jelly Bean). S6SAE101A00SA1002 Solar-Powered IoT Device Kit,. Jan 10, 2018 - Bluetooth Type 1002 Software Definition. A keyboard typically. Without having to lift your hand off the keyboard. Keyboard Connection Types.
It randomly changes to one of 79 channels 1,600 times per second in the same unlicensed 2.4 GHz band as Wi-Fi. Scandinavian Origins Named after ancient King Harald Blatan of Denmark, Sweden-based Ericsson developed Bluetooth and co-founded the governing body in 1998 ( Bluetooth is also an IEEE personal area network (PAN) standard (see ).
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Supporting point-to-point and multipoint architectures (see ), there are billions of Bluetooth devices in use.